Yoga Nidra & Soundbath for Your Inner Child
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Yoga Nidra & Soundbath for Your Inner Child

Meet and befriend your Inner Child in this Yoga Nidra and Tibetan bowl sound bath. Relax, soothe, and let go of what no longer serves you.

Date and time

Saturday, October 12 · 8:30 - 10:30pm CEST


BOARÉ Yoga Art Studio

Rykestraße 23 10405 Berlin Germany

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 5 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

The Inner Child is the most precious and vulnerable part of the Self, but it may cause trouble if you leave it wounded and abandoned. As adults, we may lash out or withdraw seemingly for no reason whenever we encounter situations resembling difficult childhood experiences. More often than not, this is our Inner Child getting triggered.

While your Inner Child's maladaptive coping mechanisms may have helped you survive in the past, today, they can now stop you from reaching your full potential. That's why you're invited to meet and befriend your Inner Child in this guided Yoga Nidra meditation and a Tibetan bowl sound bath.

We'll open this session with gentle breathing exercises to tune in and listen to your Inner Child with attention, curiosity, and tenderness. The guided meditation and soothing sound bath will follow, relaxing and opening you to more healing and self-compassion so your Inner Child no longer feels abandoned.

🧘Yoga Nidra & Soundbath in a nutshell:🧘

✨No previous experience of meditation is necessary ✨
✨No direct touch without your consent (optional, at the end)✨
✨Deep relaxation in a comfortable lying position✨
✨Meet yourself in truth and authenticity✨
✨No nakedness✨

🕉️Evening flow:🕉️

  • 8:30 – 08:45 pm – Arrivals, welcome circle, and tea;
  • 8:45 pm – 9:00 pm - Gentle movement & breath relaxation;
  • 09:00 - 9:40 pm – Yoga Nidra;
  • 9:40 – 10:20 pm – Soundbath;
  • 10:20-10:30 pm – Closing circle, final mantra round.


What's Yoga Nidra?

Also known as “yogic sleep,” Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that helps you relax deeply and achieve a state between being awake and asleep. By bringing attention inwards, Nidra balances the mind and body, allowing the conscious and unconscious to reveal themselves more fully.

You lie down comfortably during the session while the facilitator guides your experience. As you rest and follow the meditation, you gradually enter an innate state of blissful awareness and feelings of being interconnected, whole, and loved—exactly the way you are today.

What can you expect during a sound bath?

Tibetan bowls create a wide range of sounds that restore the natural frequencies of the body, mind, and soul. Their vibrations calm the nervous system while travelling deep into the body, helping you to relax, reset, and rejuvenate.

During the session, you lie comfortably while the facilitator plays the bowls, often moving around the room to immerse you in the vibrating sounds. No direct touch is involved.


About the facilitator:

Eva BESITOS is a digital media artist/writer turned certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, now on the way to becoming a Trauma-Sensitive Yoga & Sound Therapist. BESITOS aims to create spaces where everyone can return to feeling and honouring their bodies and emotions. Her classes invite you to move, breathe, meditate, chant mantras, journal – and, above all, meet your authentic self.


The number of spaces is limited, so book yours today – here, on, or via USC (+€12 in cash). Ciao-cacao 💋

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