For Investors:
Any investor is welcome to register. You will get a confirmation automatically.
If this is your first time attending this kind of session: you can select the 'First Time' ticket type and answer some questions about your experience. (No experience is fine!)
For startups:
Any startup is welcome to register, but spots are limited!
We will be in touch with you as soon as your spot is confirmed. Usually you will get a calendar invitation with the dial-in details. It is useful to waitlist if spots are full since we're often able to let people in last minute.
Please consider attending one of our regular Investor Readiness Sessions or the Finance Academy. Registration for those trainings is available on the Leapfunder website. Attendance at one of these sessions is often a good preparation.
▪️ Why do we refund the full ticket price when you show up? Well: The session is FREE. But we are planing two-sided meetings, and so it works best if you can commit pretty firmly to showing up. See you there. ▪️
These VCs regularly attend our Round Table Sessions. Attend and you might get noticed by them: