"Once Upon A Time to Here & Now 2004-2023" - Vernissage by Manish
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"Once Upon A Time to Here & Now 2004-2023" - Vernissage by Manish

Join us for the opening evening of "Once Upon A Time to Here & Now 2004-2023", paintings by the talented Manish!

Date and time

Thursday, September 19 · 7am - 10:30pm CEST



Köpenicker Straße 40 10179 Berlin Germany

About this event

  • Event lasts 15 hours 30 minutes

Manish's art is informed by lived experiences. He endeavors to create an atmosphere of wonder, mystery and curiosity. These spatial explorations started a while back in Toronto, Canada and have continued through NYC to Berlin, Germany.

"I always look for the intangible in the tangible. I do not have much interest in the obvious. Nature is my inspiration; how light falls and shadows intertwine, how rain falls on a cluster of leaves, the ripples that a dragonfly generates as it touches the surface of a body of water, fascinate me. My quest for silence and quiet in my works continues. The chaos inside is turned into stillness on canvas, on paper. Dance is another form of expression I use. Instead of a brush, it’s my limbs that create ephemeral works of art. Music dictates and I follow. I become one with the melody."

About the Host

Manish is an Indian-Canadian interdisciplinary artist, encompassing both the realms ofpainting and contemporary dance. Born in India in 1970, his creative journey led him toCanada in 2001, before settling in the vibrant artistic landscape of Berlin, Germany in 2007. Guided by an intuitive and instinctual creative process, Manish draws inspiration from hisextensive travels and personal experiences. His oeuvre reflects a profound engagement withthe interplay between internal landscapes and external stimuli, a dialogue echoed in thenuanced exploration of space within his works. Delving into the subtle nuances of humanemotion and psyche, his artistry serves as a conduit for introspection, imbued with themes ofsilence, contemplation, longing, and wonder. Aesthetically, Manish’s practice finds resonancein the ethos of minimalism, often eschewing figurative elements in favor of a pureengagement with form and color. Influenced by a pantheon of artistic luminaries including Richter, Turner, Twombly, Rothko, Hokusai, Ghenie, and Kiefer, his work traverses diversemediums such as acrylic, oil, oil pastel, ink, paper, and found materials, meticulously layeredupon canvas, paper, and wooden panels. Beyond the confines of his studio, Manish’scommitment to sustainability permeates his artistic ethos. Embracing the ethos of upcycling,he repurposes objects and materials sourced from his local environment in Berlin, infusing hispractice with a sense of environmental stewardship and ethical consciousness.

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Denizen is a fusion of co-working, recreation, and community.