KAMBO TREATMENT | Healing Ceremony | Brooklyn, NY

KAMBO TREATMENT | Healing Ceremony | Brooklyn, NY

Discover Kambo: Experience deep healing and expand your health and consciousness. Feel the power of this unique ceremony.

Datum und Uhrzeit

Fr. 8. Nov. 2024 08:30 - 11:00 EST



Brooklyn Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn


Rückerstattungen bis zu 7 Tage vor dem Event


8:30 AM

Introduction, instruction & cleansing

Open the gates and put the Kambo medicine on the gates

The cleansing and detoxifying ceremony starts and lasts 20 - 40 minutes

The participants gets herbal tea and some fruits for recovery and can relax

Zu diesem Event

  • Eventdauer: 2 Stunden 30 Minuten


What is Kambo?

Kambo is a traditional indigenous medicine used for cleansing, purification, and harmonization on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. This ancient practice utilizes the secretion of the giant Amazonian monkey frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor) and has been used for thousands of years to maintain health. When applied externally on the skin, Kambo initiates a profound cleansing process. Vomiting or bowel evacuation are common parts of this cleansing process. This application helps to detoxify the body and can also release emotional and mental blockages. Kambo offers a powerful way to enhance overall well-being on all levels.


How does Kambo work?

During Kambo ceremonies, a small stick is used to create tiny burns on the skin's surface, followed by the application of Kambo medicine. Effects manifest within seconds and typically endure for 20 to 60 minutes. Participants may encounter heightened heart rate, head and body pressure, facial and hand swelling, dizziness, discomfort, and purging as the medicine disperses. Yet, experiences differ; some may describe sensations of tranquility and euphoria.

Positive Effects on the body

boosts the immune system's production of antibodies, enhances the generation of platelets (thrombocytes) and red blood cells (erythrocytes), promotes thorough intestinal cleansing and aids digestion, reduces blood pressure, heightens sensory perception, enhances resilience and augments physical vigor, strengthens coping mechanisms for stressful situations, offers pain relief for individuals with kidney stones and cancer.

Meet your Guide, Alexander Boxer

Alex is a certified Holosomatic® BREATH therapist from InnerCamp Academy and a practitioner of various types of plant medicine including Rapéh, and Sananga. He skillfully combines Breathwork and plant medicine with great precision and sensitivity, offering participants not just a breathing journey, but an invitation to explore themselves and unlock the full potential of human existence.

With his expertise, Alex creates a safe and supportive atmosphere where profound self-awareness is possible in the moment. He holds space in various ceremonies with great love and empathy, attentively caring for each individual. Enthusiastically sharing his knowledge, Alex introduces others to the powerful tools of Breathwork and plant medicine.

In addition to his Breathwork certification, Alex has also completed training with the International Association of Kambo Practitioners (IAKP) and is a certified Kambo practitioner. The IAKP is a renowned organization dedicated to the safe and responsible use of Kambo, ensuring the highest standards in Kambo therapy.

Alex’s goal is to help others by introducing them to the transformative power of Breathwork and providing a space for their journey. He firmly believes that everyone can make positive changes in their life and looks forward to supporting and guiding people on their path.


It’s important to arrive at the treatment on an empty stomach—no food or drinks before the ceremony in the morning. Please avoid alcohol, other intoxicants, and red meat at least one day prior.

If you wish I can serve you Hapéh and Sananga after the Kambo Ceremony.

If you’d like to participate in my Kambo ceremony, I kindly ask you to fill out the following questionnaire to ensure that your health condition allows it.

Questionnaire in English

For any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out. Once the booking is made, I will contact you regarding preparations and you'll receive Information about the Location.

With love and blessings,

Häufige Fragen

How does a Kambo ceremony work

In a Kambo ceremony, small dots of the frog's secretion are applied to small burns made on the skin, allowing the medicine to enter the lymphatic system. The process typically lasts between 15-30 minutes and may induce vomiting or other purging as part of the body's detoxification.

Are there any medical contraindications for Kambo?

Yes, Kambo is not recommended for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as: Heart conditions, Severe asthma or respiratory issues, Epilepsy, Pregnant or breastfeeding women. Please contact me for more Information, I can tell you, if you can participate or not.

What should I bring to the ceremony?

Comfortable clothing, yoga mat, bucket, your intention

How long does the Kambo ceremony last?

The entire ceremony typically lasts 1.5 to 2 hours, which includes preparation, the Kambo application, and integration time afterward.

Is Kambo safe?

When administered by a trained and experienced practitioner, Kambo is generally safe. However, it is essential to disclose any health conditions or medications to your practitioner before the ceremony.

What can I expect after the ceremony?

After the ceremony, you may feel tired or reflective as your body continues to detox. It's important to rest, hydrate, and eat light, nourishing foods in the hours following the session.

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