5 Rhythms Dance with Oliver ~ 5Rhythms® Cacao Ceremony with Tomasz Szymocha

5 Rhythms Dance with Oliver ~ 5Rhythms® Cacao Ceremony with Tomasz Szymocha

5 Rhythms Classes in Berlin, New York City, California, Italy, Argentina & Brazil.

Datum und Uhrzeit

Sa. 5. Okt. 2024 19:30 - 23:59 CEST


Studio 2 - Bethanien

Mariannenplatz 2 10997 Berlin Germany


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Zu diesem Event

Magical 5Rhythms® Cacao Ceremony with guest teacher Tomasz Szymocha

We are going to drink the "drink of the gods" – Cacao, and we are going to dance.
We will open our hearts thanks to a magical journey and we will dance together the wave of 5 Rhythms®.

The Cacao ceremony brings purification through joy, fun, presence and bliss. Cacao is a sacred Mayan plant used in ceremonial rites. This plant teaches us how to go deeper into our hearts, minds and the heart of Mother Earth to rediscover the true healing power that is within each of us. We are going to consume about 30-40 g of specially prepared pure raw cacao.

5Rhythms® is a dynamic movement practice created by Gabrielle Roth. This practice is rooted in a deep truth: when you bring your body into motion, the soul will heal itself.

When you bring your body into motion, the soul will heal itself. The mind calms down when the body is recognized, befriended, and danced out. When the body is in motion, it becomes pure energy, flow – it becomes life itself.

Movement awakens infinite creativity within us, and through dancing together, a connection and sense of unity are created: with the tribe and with the universe.
Ready for transformation? Dance it out! Everything that's inside you.


  • before and during the ceremony we do not consume alcohol or other intoxicants. On this day, avoid caffeine, cocoa or other stimulants throughout the day.
  • you are fully responsible for yourself, your needs, feelings and
    emotions and you take care of your own space and safety as well as that of other participants.
  • you clearly communicate to others your needs and boundaries.
  • 5 Rhythms is a joint process where emotions appear, accompanied by crying, laughing, screaming. Be authentic, express yourself. All feelings and emotions are welcomed.
  • we dance barefoot
  • bring a water bottle (preferably glass).
  • during the Cacao Ceremony we will eat raw Cacao (with vegetable milk, chili, agave syrup)
  • if you are allergic to any of the ingredients, please report in advance. If you are using treatment with psychoactive tablets
  • also report and consult a doctor whether you can consume concentrated raw Cacao.
  • if you are taking psychoactive substances, contact us on priv.

About Tomasz

Tomasz Szymocha - accredited 5Rhythms® teacher and pioneer of dance Cacao Ceremonies. He was the first in Poland to introduce this drink to 5Rhythms®/conscious dance. He finished his teacher training in 2016 at The Moving Center® New York. From that time on he has actively run 5Rhythms® classes and workshops in Poland, Germany, Israel and Spain. By profession, he is an actor mime after the school in Berlin, where he worked for many years in the theater. He taught movement in Germany, Poland, Italy, France, the United States and Israel. He conducted dance and theater classes for children and youth in Berlin and Paris. He grew up in Warsaw, where he performed at the Buffo Theater as a mime. In 1987 he emigrated to Berlin. At the age of 25, he intensively meditated for 2.5 years in the Himalayas. From 2011, the founder of the BioRezydencja in Świeradów-Zdrój (www.biorezydencja.pl), an ecological personal growth and workshop centre. Passionate traveler, father of 5 children, vegetarian, Lomi Lomi Nui masseur, graduated with ISTA level 1 and 2, forest lover (he planted 70 thousand trees). Tomasz draws inspiration from shamanism, deep contact with nature, fascination with theater and wisdom that is constantly passed on to him by his five children.

About Oliver

OLIVER is an accredited 5Rhythms teacher, trained in New York City by 5 Rhythms founder Gabrielle Roth and her son Jonathan Horan. His background includes sacred movements and seated meditation in the direct lineage of G.I. Gurdjieff and a dedicated yoga practice (Teacher Certified by Richard Freeman). Oliver also is a musician. He has been based in Berlin and New York City, teaching the 5Rhythms and running his own business.

** All of Oliver’s classes and workshops hours count toward 5Rhythms Teacher Training prerequisites.**


  • Open mind
  • Comfortable dancing clothes
  • Water bottle

PRICE: Regular: €25 — Reduced: €18 — Supporter: > €25 — Or pay according to your own means

*prices include ceremonial cacao

Registration required → info@5rytmow.eu or oliver5rhythms@gmail.com

Use details below, if you prefer to pay via PayPal:

PayPal: oliver5rhythms@gmail.com
please indicate "Family & Friends".

Please also let me know via email that you'll be in attendance.

Veranstaltet von

In my 5 Rhythms classes I combine my background as a Yoga teacher with my experience as a 5 Rhythms teacher. I am ever grateful for the gifts I received from my personal teachers, Gabrielle Roth and Jonathan Horan with whom I danced from 2003 - 2012 in New York, as well as to my Yoga teachers Patabhi Jois and Richard Freeman.

About the 5 Rhythms:

5Rhythms is a movement meditation practice devised by Gabrielle Roth in the late 1970s. It draws from indigenous and world traditions using tenets of shamanistic, ecstatic, mystical and eastern philosophy. It also draws from Gestalt therapy, the human potential movement and transpersonal psychology. Fundamental to the practice is the idea that everything is energy, and moves in waves, patterns and rhythms.

Roth describes the practice as a soul journey, and says that by moving the body, releasing the heart, and freeing the mind, one can connect to the essence of the soul, the source of inspiration in which an individual has unlimited possibility and potential.

Ab 20,36 €