Hauptbild für HackParty 2025

HackParty 2025

morgen um 18:30

Pi Campus

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Hauptbild für Roma Role SaturPlay

Roma Role SaturPlay

Samstag um 09:00

Via Magliano Sabina, 31

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Hauptbild für Fusioni Live

Fusioni Live

Dienstag um 18:30

Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone

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Hauptbild für The Diplomacy of Cultural Heritage

The Diplomacy of Cultural Heritage

Dienstag um 18:00

Istituto Svizzero di Roma

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EQUITY and INCLUSION | OLTRE LE BARRIERE : liberare il potenziale

Mittwoch um 17:00

ISMA - Istituti di Santa Maria in Aquiro

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Hauptbild für Casa della Cultura Irlandese 'Presents'

Casa della Cultura Irlandese 'Presents'

Do., 20. März, 19:00

Basilica San Silvestro in Capite

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Hauptbild für Romancero


Sa., 22. März, 21:00

Teatro Eduardo De Filippo

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Hauptbild für L’anno santo 1475 e il Ciborio degli Apostoli sull’altare  di San Pietro

L’anno santo 1475 e il Ciborio degli Apostoli sull’altare di San Pietro

Fr., 4. Apr., 18:00

Palazzo Venezia

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Städte in der Nähe

Hauptbild für Library 2.025 - AI and Libraries: Literacy, Ethics, and Responsible Use

Library 2.025 - AI and Libraries: Literacy, Ethics, and Responsible Use

heute um 12:00 GMT-7

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Hauptbild für Implementing and Enhancing Bystander Reporting Programs in K-12 Schools

Implementing and Enhancing Bystander Reporting Programs in K-12 Schools

heute um 15:00 GMT-4

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Hauptbild für NASA's SpaceX Crew-10 Launch

NASA's SpaceX Crew-10 Launch

morgen um 19:03 GMT-4

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Hauptbild für Free Webinar | Storytelling through street photography with Lewis Jones

Free Webinar | Storytelling through street photography with Lewis Jones

Mittwoch um 17:00 MEZ

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Hauptbild für Anxiety and OCD in Kids and Teens Course 2025

Anxiety and OCD in Kids and Teens Course 2025

Mi., 26. März, 11:00 GMT-4

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Hauptbild für Questions-Réponses en direct: Comprendre l’endométriose

Questions-Réponses en direct: Comprendre l’endométriose

Mi., 26. März, 19:00 GMT-4

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Hauptbild für Career Fair: Exclusive Tech Hiring Event-New Tickets Available

Career Fair: Exclusive Tech Hiring Event-New Tickets Available

Fr., 28. März, 09:00 GMT-7

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Hauptbild für Random House Workshops: Writing with Suleika Jaouad

Random House Workshops: Writing with Suleika Jaouad

Mo., 21. Apr., 19:00 GMT-4

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