
entoLIVE Webinars

The entoLIVE webinar series is a programme of virtual talks exploring the science of insects and other invertebrates. All events are free to attend and are suitable for adults of all abilities – a passion for invertebrates is all that’s required!

Events in dieser Sammlung

  • Hauptbild für Earthworm Watch: Insights Into Urban Earthworm Communities

    Earthworm Watch: Insights Into Urban Earthworm Communities

    Mo., 24. März, 19:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Biodiversity Net Gain and Invertebrates: Are We Getting It Right?

    Biodiversity Net Gain and Invertebrates: Are We Getting It Right?

    Mo., 14. Apr., 12:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Improving Bee Hotel Design: The Big Bee Hotel Experiment

    Improving Bee Hotel Design: The Big Bee Hotel Experiment

    Di., 22. Apr., 12:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Insect Welfare: What Benefits Bugs?

    Insect Welfare: What Benefits Bugs?

    Di., 20. Mai, 18:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Insects That Live In The Sea: Why Are There Are So Few?

    Insects That Live In The Sea: Why Are There Are So Few?

    Di., 10. Juni, 18:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Insect Dogfights: How Aerial Combat Shapes the Patterns of Insect Flight

    Insect Dogfights: How Aerial Combat Shapes the Patterns of Insect Flight

    Mo., 3. März, 19:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Glowing, Glowing, Gone? The Plight of the Glow-worm in Essex

    Glowing, Glowing, Gone? The Plight of the Glow-worm in Essex

    Mo., 24. Feb., 19:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für The Mind of a Bee: An Exploration of the Intelligence of Bees

    The Mind of a Bee: An Exploration of the Intelligence of Bees

    Di., 18. Feb., 19:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Using Bioturbation Behaviour To Create New Functional Groups for Earthworms

    Using Bioturbation Behaviour To Create New Functional Groups for Earthworms

    Di., 4. Feb., 13:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Molluscs on the March: Engaging the Public with Mollusc Collections

    Molluscs on the March: Engaging the Public with Mollusc Collections

    Di., 21. Jan., 19:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für How Many Moths and Butterflies? The Importance of Taxonomy

    How Many Moths and Butterflies? The Importance of Taxonomy

    Di., 7. Jan., 13:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Tiny Midges, Devastating Diseases

    Tiny Midges, Devastating Diseases

    Di., 31. Dez., 13:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Plants for Pollinators: Using DNA to Explore Relationships in Gardens

    Plants for Pollinators: Using DNA to Explore Relationships in Gardens

    Di., 3. Dez., 19:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Biodiversity Net Gain: What Could BNG Mean For Pollinators?

    Biodiversity Net Gain: What Could BNG Mean For Pollinators?

    Mo., 28. Okt., 13:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Cave Spiders: Behavioural Adaptations in Webs, Foraging and Dispersal

    Cave Spiders: Behavioural Adaptations in Webs, Foraging and Dispersal

    Di., 15. Okt., 12:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Sow Wild! and Insect Identification

    Sow Wild! and Insect Identification

    Di., 1. Okt., 12:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für A World of Wasps: Researching the Ichneumonid Wasps

    A World of Wasps: Researching the Ichneumonid Wasps

    Mi., 18. Sept., 18:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Bees and Beyond: Ecosystem Services at a Garden Scale

    Bees and Beyond: Ecosystem Services at a Garden Scale

    Do., 5. Sept., 12:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für Hoverfly Lagoons Project: A Journey into the Past, Present and Future

    Hoverfly Lagoons Project: A Journey into the Past, Present and Future

    Mi., 17. Juli, 12:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $

  • Hauptbild für The Noble Jewel-wasp: The Range Expansion of a Brood Parasite

    The Noble Jewel-wasp: The Range Expansion of a Brood Parasite

    Mi., 12. Juni, 18:00 UTC

    Ab 0,00 $


Veranstalter von entoLIVE Webinars
The Biological Recording Company provide a range of events focused on educating and training biological recorders and biodiversity professionals in the United Kingdom.entoLIVE Webinarsare free 1-hour virtual events exploring the science of insects and other invertebrates. Each webinar will feature an invertebrate scientist and are suitable for adults of all abilities – a passion for invertebrates is all that’s required!Virtual Symposiumsexplore a subject in more detail through a series of talks from subject experts. These longer events have a small charge and are often available with an 'earlybird' discount.Field Recorder Daysare 1-day events where experienced and novice recorders come together to record the wildlife of a site. Records are generally collated through iRecord and shared with the site manager, Local Environmental Record Centre and relevant National Recording Schemes/Societies.Earthworm Training Coursescover topics such as biology, ecology, sampling techniques and identification.