entoLIVE Webinars
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The entoLIVE webinar series is a programme of virtual talks exploring the science of insects and other invertebrates. All events are free to attend and are suitable for adults of all abilities – a passion for invertebrates is all that’s required!
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Veranstalter von entoLIVE Webinars
The Biological Recording Company provide a range of events focused on educating and training biological recorders and biodiversity professionals in the United Kingdom.entoLIVE Webinarsare free 1-hour virtual events exploring the science of insects and other invertebrates. Each webinar will feature an invertebrate scientist and are suitable for adults of all abilities – a passion for invertebrates is all that’s required!Virtual Symposiumsexplore a subject in more detail through a series of talks from subject experts. These longer events have a small charge and are often available with an 'earlybird' discount.Field Recorder Daysare 1-day events where experienced and novice recorders come together to record the wildlife of a site. Records are generally collated through iRecord and shared with the site manager, Local Environmental Record Centre and relevant National Recording Schemes/Societies.Earthworm Training Coursescover topics such as biology, ecology, sampling techniques and identification.
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